little flowers

Tasks on the ranch are no problem for

The Cowgirl & Her Curls

"What a standout children’s book!”

This spunky cowgirl narrates her day from the time she wakes with the rooster's crow until her last thoughts before falling asleep out on the plains in a cattle drive. She describes in playful rhyme how her wild curly hair assists with her duties such as feeding animals, building fences, and playing songs around the campfire. As she moves through the day and until she finds herself sleeping out on the open plains, she's with her best partner, her curls. She expresses gratitude for her unique traits and celebrates her individuality.

A look insde

Flowers With Splash Paint
little flowers



What readers are saying

Quotation Mark

What a standout children’s book! Empowering and self affirming all the lovely strengths our differences give us. The illustrations are beautiful and the tone uplifting.

Quotation Mark

This book is such a cute and well written book. I love the imagery of the young girl being able to do anything, and her curly helps her with that. It teaches you to embrace your uniqueness! Love it!

Abstract Flowers Illustration
Quotation Mark

Beautiful story of a young girl that embraces her beautiful curls and shows how she used them to her advantage. Such a wonderful story of a strong confident young woman. All ages will enjoy. Love the colors!


Emily MCElroy

Emily is an accountant by day, but a story teller, daydreamer, and adventurer at heart. As a new wife and step mom, she has embarked on her biggest adventure yet! She loves her family, faith, and dogs and finds joy in their inspiration with her writing. She calls Hazlehurst, Georgia home.

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Stay Tuned for Emily’s new Title coming Later This year!

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Spring flower in doodle continuous line drawing style

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